is a nonstop legal firm, which understands your
business and the industries
you operate in and delivers high
quality legal solutions. The firm
contributes to the Fidelity Fund
as is required by Law Society
rules and operates a trust account.

Our distinct feature
is of care value system, which
is evidenced by the integrity,
reliability, honesty mutual
respect, professionalism and
undying commitment to


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MARIA PHEFADU ATTORNEYS is a general practice run by one Attorney with an outstanding record and ambition to succeed. Like any other business we recognize the importance of our clients needs and our client’s needs are regarded as paramount importance. We also regard communication as the corner stone of our business. We have demonstrated this by our excellent service, which among others includes satisfying our clients’ requirements by making sure that we understand our clients business, goals and their position in the market. The firm has sufficient resources, including technology and competent staff to meet all our client’s demands. We have an unquestionable passion for quality service and timeous delivery. The firm depends on consulting specialists. Since inception we have acted in various complex litigation matters.

MARIA PHEFADU ATTORNEYS is a non-stop legal firm, which understands your business and the industries you operate in and delivers high quality legal solutions. The firm contributes to the Fidelity Fund as is required by Law Society rules and operates a trust account.

Background of the Partner

Mrs. Phefadu was admitted as an attorney in December 2000. She obtained a B. Proc degree at the University of the Witwatersrand in 1994. In 1996 she obtained an LLB degree at the University of the Witwatersrand. She then joined a Firm of attorneys Malcom Lyons & Munro in 1997 to serve her articles of clerkship. In the same year she attended a Practical Legal Studies course, offered under the auspices of the Law Society of South Africa, which is aimed at providing practical legal experience to candidate attorneys. In April 1998 she joined the Road Accident Fund as a legal costs officer. She got promoted to a Senior Legal Costs Officer in 2001, and then enrolled for a diploma in Corporate Law with Rau University. She specializes in MVA, Medical malpractice, Labour law and general litigation. She is currently studying forwards a qualification in conveyancing.

Work Eeperience

  • Drafted legal opinions on behalf of various institutions on labour matter i.e Government departments, Eskom and Private individuals.
  • Drafted an opinion for the Department of Transport on the application of BBBEEE ACT within the Supply Chain Management.
  • Drafted an opinion to the head of BEE (Black Economic Empowerment) unit. Advising the unit on the Evaluation and Monitoring of Contract projects.
  • Taking referrals from the Department of Justice through the Legal Aid Board. We litigate for the members of the public on various matters including Drafting of contract, Labour issues and General Litigation.
  • Taking referrals from the following company’s i.e Legal Wise (after hours) and FNB on call.

Legal Cost:

We draw, settle and on tax all party & party legal costs (Magistrate Court & High Court) we also draw up attorney and own client bills of costs.

We assist out of town cost consultants with their taxations at court and give advice to attorneys about legal costs

Solutions to:

  • Labour Matters
  • Conflicts
  • Pention Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Materimonial